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Construction Committee 020509
Library Construction Committee
February 5, 2009
Bolton Town Hall

Present:  Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Panny Gerken, Joel Lindsay, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson, Bill Strapko

Also present:
From Lerner Ladds + Bartels: R. Drayton Fair, Brendan Riley
From Daedalus Projects, Inc.: Bob White
From the Capital Campaign Committee: Ann S. Hurd, Pam Kaminski, Chris Sterling
From Advisory Committee: Burt Shnitzler

A quorum being present, Roland called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Minutes of the meeting held on January 8, 2009 were approved as written (motion: Pam; second: Bill; unanimous in favor).

Invoices totaling $90,569.23 were presented as follows:
  • Daedalus Projects, Inc. #2896090128  $2,092.50
  • Daedalus Projects, Inc. #2896090196  $9,000.00
  • LL+B #17-0722  $9,767.73
  • M. O’Connor Construction #3  $69,709.00
Motion to pay these invoices: Pam; second, Kelly; unanimous in favor.

Roland reported that he sent a letter (attached in hard copy) to the Town Board of Health.  The letter states that work has been completed on capping the well at 738 Main St.

Ann Hurd distributed and explained a capital campaign update dated 5/5/09 (sic; attached in hard copy).

Roland announced that the timing of the bond for the remainder of the library and for the public safety building has changed.  Panny explained that the market for municipal bonds is good for towns like Bolton, and that the Treasurer would like to bond no later than 4/15/09.  Between 3/15/09 and 3/31/09 all cash from the capital campaign must be turned over to the town.  Bond counsel says that cash is required, not pledges or other.  The goal of private fundraising is $1,040,000.  If the entire amount is not available in cash by the deadline of 3/15/09, the project budget must be reduced to reflect the difference.  As of 3/15/09, any money coming in to the Friends of the Library will not be part of the capital campaign, but can be used by FoBPL to pay project bills.  The committee must make an itemized, prioritized list of things to pay in this way.  

Discussion followed:
  • Pam Kaminski asked whether the amount raised by the capital campaign will affect the town’s or MBLC’s commitment.  Panny answered no.
  • Chris Rogers commented that the project was sold to the town with the understanding that private donations would total $1,040,000.
  •  Ann Hurd stated that the original understanding was that the goal was the sum of cash, gifts in kind, and pledges, and that the town is now requiring cash only.
  •  Pam K. is concerned about the public reaction to news that the FoBPL has “failed” to raise the total in cash, and asked for the Committee’s assistance in managing this.
  • Roland noted that he expects to receive a letter of commitment from Assabet next week, and wondered if that would suffice for cash.  Panny will ask bond counsel.
  • Panny reminded the group that the contingency is sufficient to cover all scenarios.
  • Bill stated that it is the committee’s responsibility to keep an eye on expenses, and that this is why he voted against adding back the rear dormers.
Bob White distributed a monthly progress report dated 2/5/09 (attached in hard copy).  He noted that as of today, the project is about three weeks behind schedule, but he isn’t worried about this.  The crews will be working this weekend, including Sunday, to make up time lost to bad weather.  Once steel starts to arrive, they will reset the schedule.  In response to a question from Burt, Bob said that the budget is fine.

At 7:40 several members of our committee broke away to give the Board of Selectmen a project update.  While that took place, the quorum that remained (WS, KC, PK, JR, MS, CR) discussed the RFP for art in the library.  After some discussion of the document, Pam made a motion to delegate this task permanently to the interior design subcommittee (second: Bill; unanimous in favor).

Drayton recapped a recent interiors subcommittee meeting.  Drayton, Brendan, Bob W., Kelly, and Lori Nelson met with Lianne Ames of Stefura Associates.  They discussed paint, carpets, and upholstery.  Lianne distributed a preliminary furnishings budget that, at $349K, is too high because it was based on pre-bid figures (the FF&E budget is now $275K, not $375K.   Kelly is identifying already-owned FF&E that can be reused to save money and found $10K in savings on the latest budget.   The subcommittee’s next meeting will be Thursday, 2/19/09 at 11 a.m. at Town Hall.  The teen advisory group will attend part of the meeting.

Drayton and Brendan presented options for exterior colors and finishes.  After discussion, consensus was to use Brick Red for window trim, Bristol Grey for shingles, and to continue looking for the perfect shade of brown paint.

Bob White distributed a budget update (attached in hard copy).  He distributed LCC minutes dated 5/15/08 outlining the payment agreement between LCC and the public safety committee for the public water supply.  The library agreed to pay the first $25K and has to date paid $33K.  Bob has established a good working relationship with those working on the public safety building and will continue to coordinate efforts.

On a motion from Panny (second: Pam; unanimous in favor), the committee approved change order #2.

Roland reported developments from the evening’s brief meeting with the Selectmen.  They had two issues: Bob W. will follow up on a question about telephone poles, and Panny will clarify with Jennifer Atwood Burney about an invoice.

Panny announced that she and Chief Alfano recently distributed letters to abutters to both projects.  Feedback was positive.  Bob will give the latest three-week look ahead from the General Contractor to Panny to distribute to neighbors.

Mickie asked Bob to fill the group in on plans to waterproof the 1903 building.  Drayton noted that they are investigating a new type of waterproofing for the walls and floor.  Having observed the water problem for several months now, and taking into account the construction of the building, the team has concluded that exterior waterproofing including a system of perimeter drains is not warranted.

Next meeting date was set for Thursday, March 5 at 7 p.m.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins